How to Focus on Your Wellness

  How to Focus on Your Wellness

      Welcome Curlies! Aside from talking about curls I also want to include something I am passionate about, YOUR WELL BEING! Anyone can make it look easy, look cute and call it a day. My mission is to inform you on how you can look flawless while feeling great on the inside! If you have been following along with my blogs, then you have a little bit of insight on curls! You have the curly hair part down, but how can you feel better?

          Millennial's, such as I, are going through stress, low motivation and anxiety just to name a few. Some of us refuse the help of medicine and would like to know other ways to cope with their “Diagnosis.” Some of us handle it better than others, but never are WE better than others. There is a difference to feel better than to be better than someone else. It’s all about embracing YOU! Focusing in on only YOU! Do not compare yourself to others, take the time to learn about yourself and how you can better your well-being.

          All right so you have a little bit of everything stress, anxiety and a little less motivation than you’d like to have. It all starts with what you’re doing on your free time, what your putting inside your body and who you surround yourself with. I want you to visualize a person who constantly sits on their phone all day, complaining about life, taking in ALL unhealthy foods, but their hair looks good. Do you think this persons’ well- being is excellent? Of course not!  They’re putting out a false imagine of themselves. It all points back to YOU as the center of wellness.

          Many of us have a few things that makes us happy such as: painting, crafts, DIY Projects, reading, fitness, etc. What if I told you that those things are what help your well- being? It’s all about de-stressing. Do what makes you forget what you were even stressed about in the first place. Find an alternative or replacement for stress. Say you’re stressed about having too many things to do on your list of chores, break them down, tare them apart add in what makes you less stressed. A good example is women who need to do their weekly shopping and will tend to get a coffee or favorite beverage. We NEED to shop and get things done so why not do it with our favorite cup of joe? It isn’t so bad; you are balancing out stress and things you like. Replacing stress with something enticing. The next time you are stressed think to yourself, “What can I do or get to help balance and/or replace my stress?”

          The constant shaking of your leg, feeling like you’re a broken television screen where everything is fuzzy or even shortness of breath are all signs of anxiety. The scrambling of overwhelming thoughts of everyday life or constant concerns. Most people without anxiety will say something like this, “Get over it! It’s not that serious.” Little do they know that is a trigger for anxiety, we simply cannot just get over in seconds. It takes a lot of effort to demolish whatever it is bothering us. If you’re wanting a fix for anxiety here are simple actions and pre-cautions you can take: 1. Yoga and meditating are both great activities to do to help with breathing methods and all around focusing. 2. Taking supplements like Magnesium, B-Complex, Omega-3’s, Vitamin D and so many more helps to balance your vitamin intake with all their different properties such as lack of sun. 3. Avoiding caffeine (I love coffee too!) coffee here and there is okay, but the intake of coffee everyday will really do a number on you. Think about switching over to either decaf or herbal teas. 4. Herbal teas are super good for anxiety all the herbs such as Ashwagandha, Valerian, Chamomile, Kava, Lemon Balm and many more. These will also help you combat your stress.

          Being motivated is key to life, it’s that sense in your brain that helps get up in the morning for work. We motivate ourselves to get up to make money, right? Why can’t we do the same for the rest of our lives, we are strong, we are worthy, we can only be happy if our heart is happy. It starts with having a positive mindset and positive people to encourage us. Face your fears, get up and tell your mind, body and soul that you too can do it! For example, this blog was based on my motivation to get up and write topics based on experience. I am putting myself out there for the people who need it and I might get a little bit (who am I kidding or A LOT) of backlash, but at the end of the day I can say I did it and did it for a good cause. I used to care what people thought of me and now I am where I am, I love myself and it’s all thanks to my own motivation and the motivation of my peers. If I can do it then so can you!

          In conclusion, remember to surround yourself with good energy, watch what you’re in-taking and believe in yourself. You are the boss of your own wellness, do not listen to what everyone has to say about you. ONLY your opinion matters, you cannot be everyone’s cup of tea. Be YOU! Live your life the way YOU’RE supposed to happy, free and healthy. 


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