5 Empowering Curly Haired Women


5 Empowering Curly Haired Women


    Curly hair is often misinterpreted as being the “hard to deal with hair”, but it is in fact the most inspiring type of hair. If you think about it, most curly haired women grow up to hide it by straightening it because it is so called “easier” but what you don’t know is that all curly hair is different and has their own personality. From tight coils to loose curls your hair still makes a statement! What I have here before you are 5 empowering curly hair journey stories of women who have chosen to embrace their curls in the hopes to educate you and guide you into your very own curly hair journey. 

Brittany S on IG: @curl_maven

    My curls were always something I thought I just had to deal with, that no matter what I did they would always just be meh. Keep in mind I am a stylist, they should have taught me the secret in beauty school, they didn’t. Four years into my career I moved salons & I got my first ever curly cut. I was instantly in love with the curls looking back at me in the mirror, never in my all my life had my curls looked so amazing. From that day on it was all things curly for me, my career, my own curl crown. But most important, sharing my curl knowledge with as many curlies as I can!!! 

            Curls shouldn’t have to feel like a curse, they should feel like a blessing. They are all so unique, and I love that my curls have me standing out, people know me because of my curls. My curly hair journey has taken to me to places I never would have thought possible, it’s made me a better stylist. It’s made me proud of the girl looking back at me in the mirror.


        How you maintain your hair/what you do to keep those beautiful curls. 

Haircuts! 2 good ones a year, and a fringe trim in between. It’s very important to find a stylist who is skilled in the art of curly haircutting, I only trust a few stylists with these curls. Trust me I have had some very bad haircuts in my lifetime, but now I feel comfortable getting my curls cut. Also, I love to do self-service Sundays!!! What is that you ask, well I only cleanse once a week with a sulfate free shampoo. Really taking the time to clean my scalp and remove the product build up. Then I follow with a deep conditioning treatment, which one I use is dependent upon what my hair is craving. Moisture or reconstructive love. Melt into Moisture by Deva Curl or Reconstruct by AG. I just opened my very own salon suite, where I cater to all things curly.  Boss Babe!!

Kayline on IG: @Kayscurlies 

    My curly hair journey started February 2020 but truly it has been a journey since 2017. About 3 years ago I attempted to start my curly hair journey. I had gotten a balayage which was the first time I had ever dyed my hair. I had absolutely no prior knowledge and my hair stylist was no help, she actually told me I didn’t have to do anything to take care of it. Eventually I realized how badly damaged my hair was and decided to try to fix it. I tried to strictly follow the curly girl method and although it helped my hair a bit, I also managed to over moisturize it. Eventually I gave up because I was busy with college and simply got tired of trying.

           Fast forward to October 2019 I decided to go blonde because in my head I swore I knew how to care for my hair. I was very wrong. I did the blonde all in one shot and at the time my hair was long, so it was very damaging. I thought just deep conditioning once in a while would keep my hair health. It wasn’t until January 2020 that I took a good look and realized how bad it was. People would call my hair wavy and I hated that! I knew it wasn’t wavy, it was damaged. Around then I started watching Manes by Mell on YouTube and that’s when I finally decided to take it seriously.

           From watching Manes by Mell, doing my personal research, and taking advice from my friend that’s a stylist, I am finally learning how to maintain my hair. I follow some curly girl method rules but I’m really just going with what works for me since I knew last time the strict curly girl method didn’t work out. One of the most important things I do is deep condition every single week. It keeps my hair moisturized and gives it protein depending what I use. I also clarify about once a month. I had never heard of clarifying before and it has honestly changed my hair. It completely strips my hair of all the buildup, I follow up with a deep conditioner, and it leaves me with the freshest juiciest curls. Before my wash days I like to pre poo using oils. This has helped me get the best wash day results. Finally, I learned how to properly style my hair which I had no clue would make such a difference. When I first started my journey, by just styling my hair properly I saw immediate results.

                Since I was younger, I always had problems with my hair. I was a lost cause when it came to anything having to do with hair. I didn’t know how to maintain it, style it, or do hairstyles to it. It’s so embarrassing to think back to that time because my hair looked awful. To think now I know so much about how to take care of my hair it’s crazy to me. It goes to show that as long as you’re committed, and you do the right research you can accomplish it. This isn’t something that will just happen overnight it definitely takes plenty of time and patience, but it is so worth it. This is only the beginning and I’m so excited for what’s to come.

Sophia B on IG: @Curlyth1ngs._

    I have worn my hair wavy/curly for about 10 years, (I didn’t have curly hair as a young child) but only in 2019 when making my hair big for Halloween did I consider my hair might curl from the top of the root and from there I found out about the curly girl method and that there was a way I could enhance my curls.

        My hair was very damaged at the time, so it was crazy learning how to repair my hair whilst trying to enhance my curls! 

My top tips!

  • Using silk pillow cases or wrapping my hair overnight
  • Not drying my hair with a towel, either using a micro fibre towel or a t shirt
  • Olaplex No 0 & 3 and using deep conditioner, turns out deep conditioner isn’t a marketing scam and it really works!!!
  • Washing my hair less often (I didn’t know how to control my curls so I would just wash them so much! Eeek)
  • Using styling products like cream and gel to hold my curls in place for longer.

I’d just love everyone to know how different all our hair is even if we are using the same methods! And when learning about your hair make sure you learn about your hair and what really works for you. It’s so hard when there are so many different terms about your own hair you had no idea about. Who knows about porosity!!! Luckily, there are so many quizzes for you to find out and so much info out there! It’s easy to see what someone else has done and assume that works for you, but that won’t always be the case. Also try and have fun and experiment with it! 

Alyssa on IG: @curlygirl.fittt

    Hello, hello party people! My name is Alyssa, I am 29 years old, & my hair used to look/feel like uncooked ramen noodles.

               Trends from the 90’s & 2000’s left my curls seriously damaged. 

                -Ironing with an iron 

                -Sun In hair lightener 



    If only Justin Timberlake would’ve convinced me to say “Bye, Bye, Bye” sooner. I decided after 26 years that I wanted to embrace my natural curls. I was starting to see this CGM around social media and I wanted to see what using it would do for my hair. I had been wearing my hair straight most of my life, but I knew I had some kind of something because my mama has the most beautiful curls! 


    I knew LA looks gel wasn’t going to cut it. So, I began to experiment with different products that were curly girl approved. I finally stumbled upon my holy grail of products! I exclusively use Monat for my hair because that’s what works best for me! Monat’s products are naturally-based, vegan & cruelty free and have truly given me my dream curls along with my own combo of application techniques, which I have pieced together from so many other curly headed QUEENS! 


Learning how to care for my mane has been a process, but here are the nitty gritty deets:



•Rejuviniqe Oil Treatments 2X per week

•Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse 1X per month 

•Super Moisture Hair Masque to deep condition 1X per week 

•Hydrating Shampoo & Conditioner 



•Frizz Fix Cream 

•Leave-In Conditioner 

•Moxie Mousse

•Heat Protectant 

•Curl Cream 

•I diffuse on high and use heat (shhhh don’t tell anyone lol) I am an on the go girl and have to keep it as convenient as possible  

•T-shirt and oil to SOTC


            My biggest advice for anybody wanting to start their Curly journey would be to ride that wave honey! Stay consistent, & try different things. What works for her, won’t work for me & won’t work for you! Every curl is different, and I think that’s extraordinarily beautiful!

Karena G on IG: @karenamia_

            I’ve had curly hair all my life since I was a kid. When I was a kid my mom would maintain my hair and then of course I got to the age when I didn’t want any help, so I started doing it myself. When I got to that age, I started to hate my hair because it was so difficult to maintain and I thought it was messy and ugly. It wasn’t like everyone else and I didn’t know how to take care of it or how to make it look pretty so I would straighten my hair. I would straighten it almost every day all throughout high school and a little after. After I graduated, I was so busy working and with school, that I felt like I didn’t have the time to do it anymore.

I had little time and started wearing my natural hair more often so eventually I cut it off and began my curly hair journey and recovering from heat damage. When I cut my hair, there were parts that were straight and wavy, and my roots were starting to curl. When I cut my hair, I saw how curly it was and all the potential I had for my hair. I started to embrace it and my friends, and my mom began to ask me for help with their hair. That made me want to help them and help myself learn more about my hair.

            Taking care of my curls includes washing my hair once a week. I deep condition twice a month and oil/ scalp massage every night. I do the scalp massages because I do workout during the week, my scalp does start to get a bit dry and itchy towards the end of the week and this helps relieve that. I usually use a curl cream or butter type along with a leave in and something to hold them in place, that being either a gel or mousse. Because I do workout, I do also use a dry shampoo to keep from starting to smell. My curls really do love thick products and for my preference I like things with a strong hold. To detangle, my go to is a tangle teezer, it’s my favorite and if I don’t have that a wet brush is good too. I don’t really ever diffuse; I almost always air dry and this mostly has to do with the fact that I don’t like my diffuser or dryer. After all this, I sleep with a bonnet every night, satin pillowcases and this helps maintain my curls while I sleep throughout the week.


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