Turning Monday Blues into Motivation


                        Welcome to motivation Mondays, a new way to give you your daily dose of motivation for the week! Motivation helps with your wellness and your well-being. Without motivation we cannot go about our everyday life, I’m here to give you that push. Mondays are always the start of a new week and we do not always have the drive that others may have to get through it. Not everyone wakes up ready to conquer the world, but if you need some positive words then I’m your curly girl!

            Usually on Monday morning you might have the belief that it’s going to be a dreadful week, or you can’t do this. Try something different, wake up and tell yourself it’s going to be a wonderful week! If something slightly unpleasant happens use it as a lesson learned rather than just focusing on the dilemma. That will eventually be in the past. Perhaps your coffee spilled all over your blouse or shirt, this is something you can fix by changing right? Of course, you’ll get frustrated, but keep moving forward. Remember there are other people who have worse problems than you.  

            So, what if nothing happens to you on Monday, but you keep the undesirable thought that it will be a harsh week. CUT IT OUT! You need to believe that everything will turn out the way it is supposed to. Do not let the negative thoughts get the best of you. Wake up with a clean mind, meditate, eat a clean breakfast or wear your favorite underwear. Sounds a bit silly however these things can help to get started on your motivation.

            What I am basically trying to say is that everything happens for a reason. We all need to deal with Mondays and if something out of our control happens then adopt it. You cannot control it so why will you keep the focus on it with unhelpful thoughts to try to change it. We cannot change something that is out of our control. Everything will be just right if you say it will be.

            The next time you wake up with unwanted thoughts of the day or week, let that go and tell yourself, “Today will be a good day.” Say that as many times as possible throughout your day or work week. Always ask yourself, “Is this situation controllable?” If it isn’t shimmy it away and move on. You can get through the Monday Blues, as I like to call it. Put your Monday Blues on cruise control and enjoy your week like you are supposed to! YOU can do it!


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