10 Self-Care Tips


Self-care Tips

       Ever woken up and immediately felt that today isn’t the day or even suddenly feeling like you don’t feel good about yourself? I have! I am sure many of us have, whether we talk about it or not. So how can we change that? I’ll give you some self-care tips on how to change your mood!


        Self-Care Tips:

1.  Unplug from Social Media- We tend to be more involved in social media than any other decade. Sometimes this can cause anxiety, stress, and a lack of motivation for some people.

2.  Listen to Music & Dance- We all clean and listen to music, which helps us get through the cleaning. So, when you are having a bad day do the same! Listen to your favorite upbeat rhythm and dance.

3.  Have an At Home Spa Day- Whether you have your own foot spa or a few face masks to apply. Either way a Spa Day helps with self-care. Painting your nails does the same trick!

4.  Light Your Favorite Candles- If you are a candle person then this should be no problem. Lighting candles can help with self-care and your environment. Choose candles that fit your taste and pick the ones that really make you happy.

5.  Declutter- Being in a cluttered space plays a HUGE part of self-care and energy. Feeling stressed or down, take some time to declutter and watch how much the air in the environment changes.

6.  Create Your Own Affirmations- Get a deck of flash cards of your choice, they can be with a design or blank. Whatever deck you choose write down your own affirmations that way everyday you can pick a card or flip a card and read it to start your morning. Example: “I choose happy thoughts.”

7.  Exercise/Yoga- If you are into health then this one can be an advantage to you. Either you do yoga, meditation, or exercise this can really help you blow off some steam. Not to mention it helps your mind, body and soul.

8.  Get Fresh Air- Getting outside even for a walk can benefit you. If you live in a place with a patio, I would suggest you get your favorite beverage and sit outside. The one thing you might get from this is Vitamin D, which is a plus!

9.  Writing in A Journal- You need to de-stress and maybe get some things off your mind. Why not get a journal and start writing your feelings, this helps you release your emotions.

10.  Buy Yourself Some Flowers- Flowers help bring a smile to others, but what if I told you that you shouldn’t feel ashamed to purchase some for yourself. You can even go picking and choose your own bouquet!

These are my Top 10 tips for self-care, but you can do anything that makes you happy. Do what makes you feel whole again because you matter too!


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